Orange 5G Lab, already 1 year old!

Orange 5G Lab, already 1 year old!

Created to discover, experiment and bring to life the uses of tomorrow thanks to 5G, Orange 5G Lab is celebrating its first year of operations.

One year after the inauguration of the first site in February 2021, we are proud of our network of 9 sites in France and Europe. More than 670 companies of all sizes or local authorities have passed through an Orange 5G Lab, 81 of which have been supported in their 5G experiments.

With these companies, we have developed use cases covering a wide range of sectors: smart city, industry 4.0, media, health, communication, logistics, events, etc.

Some Orange 5G Lab sites are specialised. For example, the Lyon site, located at the heart of a Digital Campus dedicated to Industry 4.0, is an expert in 5G uses related to this vertical. The Marseille site, located at the heart of the Orange Velodrome, is conducting experiments mainly in the areas of sport, events and the media. They thus serve as a reference in these areas for all the Orange 5G Labs. Expertise is shared… There is a real network between the different Orange 5G Lab sites.

Our partners are not the only ones to recognise the relevance of this support. In fact, at the « Future Digital Awards 2022 for Telco Innovation » presented by Juniper Research, Orange 5G Lab won the Platinum prize as « Best operator 5G solution ».

Our ambition is to co-innovate with all companies, whether customers or partners, to help them define, test, develop and deploy 5G use cases relevant to their operations and business strategies. We also want more and more economic players and local authorities to better understand the opportunities, value and usefulness of 5G. This is why we have built this network of Orange 5G Lab sites, which is unique in France and in Europe.

Karine Dussert-Sarthe, EVP Orange Product Marketing / Design and Open Innovation

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