Orange 5G Lab Webinars

Orange 5G Lab invites you to discover how Orange* has responded to the critical needs expressed by the Paris 2024 organizing committee, and why our national 4G / 5G network is driving the development of our virtual private network solutions.

In a world where communication is essential, businesses sometimes face unique challenges, especially during major events. Communication needs in critical contexts demand robust solutions, with high prioritization and quality of service. In this webinar, we’ll explain the mechanisms and benefits of these solutions.

Topics covered during this webinar:

  • Feedback on the Paris 2024 project and some of the communication solutions deployed
  • Ability of Orange’s national 4G/5G network to meet critical needs with virtual private networks
  • Advantages of these solutions: quality of service, cost savings, and no network deployment required. T
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In this series of Orange 5G Lab webinars open to all, we explore all the potentials of 5G with those who are inventing new uses and services.

invent and design

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