5G to promote sports activities with Sporty Peppers

5G to promote sport activities

with Sporty Peppers

The collaboration between Orange and Sporty Peppers began in February 2021, following the 5G challenge co-organized with the city of Issy-les-Moulineaux. As the winner, the start-up benefited from the support of the Orange 5G Lab team.

For more than a year now, the practice of sports at home strongly increased its presence through mobile apps and online courses. Yet, it is not always easy to stay motivated, especially over time. That’s where the start-up Sporty Peppers comes in, offering a new way to do sports in a fun and relaxed way.

Sporty Peppers invites the general public to exercise while playing remotely with other participants with a sports gaming app that does not require a game console or a gamer’s PC. Equipped with his smartphone and computer, the user only needs a few clicks to start gaming. They then select a game from the catalog to play alone or with their friends. The only constraint is to have a smartphone to ensure the recording of movements and a PC to ensure the game’s rendering. How to guarantee an optimal gaming experience everywhere, even when the user is not home?  This is a challenge the high speed and low latency of 5G can meet.

How did 5G go for Sporty Peppers?

Line of business
Sports “gamification” solutions to stimulate indoor and outdoor sports activities for the general public.
Sporty Peppers offers a digital and fun solution that allows recurrent sports practice without dedicated equipment with a community dimension.
Guarantee an optimal gaming experience for end-users and facilitate the implementation of gaming activities by companies for their employees or visitors during events or seminars/webinars
The benefits of 5G​
– Enables a seamless and ultra-responsive gaming experience from home or outside (like a park, for example)
– Converges the gaming experience to a single terminal such as a 5G tablet or a 5G PC supporting both motion capture and game rendering
– Ensures a stable and smooth gaming experience even in dense locations with many people naturally using 4G and 5G mobile networks during events or seminars

Watch Sporty Peppers CEO Nathalie Paquet’s interview