Orange 5G Lab Bucharest

Orange 5G Lab

Orange 5G Lab Bucharest

Orange Romania open an Orange 5G Lab dedicated to the 5G technology, in partnership with the “CAMPUS” Research Institute, part of the Politechnica University of Bucharest. The Orange 5G Lab in Bucharest is part of a network of 9 Orange 5G Lab announced by the Orange group.

The Orange 5G Lab initiative meets this demand for compagnies to experiment, developed and aims to help economic players and researchers to better understand the opportunities, value and utility of 5G.

Entrepreneurs and developers will be able to test their existing solutions and services, as well as try out new use cases, thus contributing to the co-innovation ecosystem that will support the transformation of future business models and processes. Interested researchers will also find a place to innovate, taking existing 5G findings to new horizons. The new space represent one more initiative marking the common effort between Orange Romania and UPB to support new business projects, as well as research and innovation initiatives.

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Orange and the Campus Research Institute of UPB open the first 5G laboratory in Romania

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