Orange 5G Lab Iasi

Orange in partnership with « Gheorghe Asachi » Technical University and Continental Automotive opened in Iași the second 5G laboratory in Romania, a hub where academic institutions, startups and companies from the Moldova region can innovate and test their solutions based on 5G technology.

The new 5G laboratory inaugurated within the « Gheorghe Asachi » Technical University of Iași will function in a complementary manner with the one already opened in Bucharest, having similar capabilities to it, but a good part of its activity will be focused on the research and development of solutions for the automotive sector.

This will allow academic researchers, companies and startups to test their 5G-based solutions and services, but also to discover new uses of this technology in an ecosystem focused on co-innovation, which will help them to transform their business model and processes.

The Orange 5G Lab in Iasi is equipped with technologies that will be available in the commercial network in the future, but which can only be tested today in a laboratory environment.

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