5G Lab Services
5G is already here
Enter a world of innovation.

Whether you are a small or major innovative company, a local government or any form of organization in any field — be it industry, smart city, health, events, education… this program is meant for you.

Cross the threshold into
a world of innovation…
that you are entirely free
to build yourself.
72%* of companies have stated that they expect their provider to guide them in testing, experimenting and early developing with 5G. Orange 5G Lab is here to fulfill such requests.
From testing to prototyping, exploring and experiencing are at the heart of Orange 5G Lab. Come and try new business models, processes, products and services for free, at an Orange 5G Lab near you! Explore the benefits of this new technology and come up with new use cases.
Our cutting-edge 5G network gives all a chance to comprehend the opportunities that lie ahead. And the evolutions to come call for test phases to draw the best of it.
Whether you are a small or major innovative company, a local government or any form of organization in any field — be it industry, smart city, health, events, education, retail… this program is meant for you.
Focus on your ambitions, we’ll take care of providing the lab and expertise.
This is an invitation. You are invited to visit our showrooms and on-line demonstrations. You are invited to talk with our technical and marketing experts, with our technological partners, with various Orange business units. And you are invited to take advantage of the light, to be seen.
Let’s work hand in hand at Orange 5G Lab to better understand the new use cases that emerge with 5G, to take your innovations to the next level, to improve your processes and reinforce your company’s competitiveness.

Set out to discover 5G
and its many uses!
Whether you are a start-up, a major company or a local government, find out all about the current and future potential of 5G, by our side. New use cases, new business models, new processes and more can be explored in our showrooms or through our digital contents. You are about to enter a world of possibilities!
Attend our informative and inspiring demonstrations in one of our Orange 5G Lab showrooms.
9 Orange 5G Lab locations will open throughout France and Europe. In these showrooms, our experts deliver everything you need to understand 5G: explanations, animations and, most important, demonstrations of new use cases made possible by 5G. These are interactive spaces, near you, concerned with your problematics and dedicated to a diversity of inspiring new use cases. What better way to discuss 5G and your projects than with an Orange 5G Lab team?
Book an appointment now in one of our Orange 5G Lab showrooms
Enjoy 5glab.orange.com, our website dedicated to the new uses of 5G
The website you are currently navigating is packed with 5G hard facts. Better yet: you can learn all about use cases that have already been tested within Orange and get the feedback of companies who have been down this road. Our pages are constantly updated with new high value-added content for top grasping of what 5G is and brings, so 5glab.orange.com can be the inspiring source of information you deserve.
Orange 5G Lab Webinars
We have launched a series of webinars to feed your inspiration. In these sessions, experts and guests shine a light on the diverse new use cases made possible by 5G.
How will 5G contribute to even smarter cities?How will 5G transform sporting events?What potential does 5G carry in the fields of education, health or manufacturing? Our Orange 5G Lab webinars attempt to answer such interrogations. We invite actual specialists to our round-tables as well as guests who prove an expertise on the topics, and together they debate and share their own accomplishments when it comes to new use cases developed with 5G.

Test and experiment
your products and services under 5G to explore their full potential
Against our 5G backgrounds, our experts can train you to using 5G and guide you, from testing to prototyping your products and services. Orange provides you with complete technical and marketing support.
Our Orange 5G Lab trial spaces aim at having you test 5G for yourself, for you to anticipate its impact on your products and services, but also so you are supported in developing new features or new uses thanks to 5G.
In order to achieve this, we provide you with the best of 5G technology. You will have access to a 5G commercial network as well as our experimental 5G network, as a foretaste of what the future holds. These offer advanced features such as Edge Computing, Stand Alone 5G, slicing and millimeter waves.
You can also lean on the 5G gear at your disposal: routers, 5G terminals, 5G connectivity units and more objects ahead of time. Plus, the assistance of Orange technical and product experts.
Bonus: In addition to our locations, there will soon also be virtual access to our discovery tour and to a remote experimentation mode. All the stakeholders involved will thus be able to collaborate efficiently in any given situation.
The best way to design the future is to give it a go! Follow in the footsteps of IADYS, Exalt3D, Kalyzée, Vogo and TwinswHeel: come experiment 5G in one of our Orange 5G Lab locations!
Discover the Orange 5G Lab
exploration path

New technology,
new uses
The enhanced connectivity 5G offers is bringing about new ways to do things and we are sowing the seeds of opportunity. Our everyday lives are on the verge of change.
Our Orange 5G Lab
in France
and abroad
Orange 5G Lab is deploying in France and also internationally with the opening of new centers in major European, French and MEA cities. These locations are meant to host companies within their regions, to the closest of their economic interests.