Orange 5G Lab opens its doors to Edge Computing in partnership with Google Cloud!

Orange 5G Lab opens its door to Edge Computing in partnership with Google Cloud!

Software publishers and companies wishing to explore the potential of Edge Computing associated with 5G can now count on Orange 5G Lab.  How? By taking advantage of a new test center specifically dedicated to experimenting with Edge Computing in partnership with Google Cloud. Located in the Orange 5G Lab Châtillon (near Paris), this new Edge Computing Lab allows the Orange 5G Lab teams to go even further in support and use cases!

One of the characteristics of Edge Computing – a decentralized architecture – is that it stores and processes data generated by different devices (smartphones, industrial machines, cameras, connected objects, etc.) close to where they are produced. This local processing should put an end to the systematic sending of data to the central cloud. The advantage? The reduction of latency – that is to say, the network’s response time – and traffic congestion towards the main cloud. This is a significant advantage when dealing with the 36 billion objects that will be connected by 2030*. This is why the Orange 5G Lab has just included this technology in its experimental offer.

A new experimentation offer

This Edge Computing Lab reinforces the support and experimentation offer of the Châtillon Orange 5G Lab. Software publishers and interested companies can explore and test the benefits of Edge Computing for their business at no cost. With the support of our Orange experts, they will try their services and applications on a 5G network connected to an Edge Computing platform based on the Google Cloud solution. This complete Orange 5G Lab experimentation offer combined with 5G and Edge Computing will foster the adoption of these technologies.

« 5G coupled with Edge Computing features allows three to four times faster throughput than 4G. It will soon be ten times faster! We currently get a latency of a few milliseconds (instead of tens of milliseconds), and we greatly improve data processing in real-time. This duo also makes it possible to process and store the huge volumes of data generated by the Internet of Things in their geographical proximity and carry out their processing in real-time for future uses of Artificial Intelligence. This is a real breakthrough, as traditional cloud infrastructures do not allow the processing of such volumes of data in real-time. »

Fabien Le Clech, head of the Châtillon Orange 5G Lab

5G/Edge Computing: New use cases at the service of innovation

Many 5G use cases requiring excellent service and engagement will take advantage of Edge Computing: the piloting of robots, autonomous vehicles or drones, video analysis for fire detection, image analysis from a production line for real-time quality control in the industry, etc.


The same degree of benefit can be found in the events industry – more specifically in sports and entertainment venues – where the 5G/Edge Computing synergy will enrich the public experience with wealthy and complementary sources of information produced or processed locally. For example: shows filmed in 360° and broadcasted in real-time. In addition, local data processing and storage – the very principle of Edge Computing – should eventually help address some of the issues raised by the IoT and the massive circulation of sensitive data on networks.

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Good to know

Access to the Edge Computing Lab is free to all companies who wish to explore the benefits. Contact us, and let’s talk about your expectations.

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