FULLRAMA – Thanks to 5G, Fullrama monitors local weather data in real-time

The climate is the biggest concern of the century! Objective: To protect the planet’s natural resources and fight against climate change. To achieve this, humans must succeed in reducing their carbon footprint. This action undoubtedly requires better management of our energy consumption. At the top of the list of habits to control is heating. In France, 66% of a home’s energy expenses are devoted to heating*. Another urgent factor is water, essential for humans and all species (flora and fauna combined). However, and this is now a global fact, water is becoming increasingly scarce. Fortunately, in addition to environmental concerns, the era is marked by many innovations to understand climate change locally. They are an opportunity to act effectively at the right time to preserve the life’s comfort of the inhabitants while fighting against the degradation of the planet.

5G and data for energy and water management

More and more cities are using sensors to collect weather data in real-time. Rainfall data allows them to optimize the use of their watering system. A good starting point for environmental action! However, it is possible to go even further, which is the point of Fullrama, a company specialized in weather stations, pollution, and noise sensors. Thanks to 5G’s speed and very low latency, tested alongside the Orange 5G Lab teams, Fullrama is now able to measure the impact of revegetation in a given area to reduce urban heat islands, providing macro and micro climate monitoring in real-time.

Fullrama experimented with 5G!

Line of Business
Smart Weather Forecast
Use Case
A weather station that monitors rainfall and the evolution of the atmospheric and ground temperatures in real-time, at a city scale – for example, in revegetation operations. Their solution also measures air pollution and noise levels on industrial sites
Start-up’s needs
Have a stable and efficient 5G mobile network connection enabling the transmission of accurate, regular, and reliable data.

To be free from any constraint of connection to the fixed network (fiber or copper), to facilitate the set-up of meteorological sensors at strategic locations of data collection in urban, suburban, and rural areas

5G Assets
Easy installation to ensure data feedback through 5G mobile network.

High-speed connectivity and stability to ensure reliable data feedback and analysis.

A 100% 5G weather station for real-time local predictions

As part of the Issy-les-Moulineaux & Orange 5G Challenge, Fullrama installed a weather station on the roof of Orange’s Bridge, the firm new headquarters. Connected with 5G, the station transmits temperature, rainfall, and sunshine data every minute to a dedicated server collecting all the data emitted by the weather station and vegetation sensors. These data are processed and formatted to visualize all these climatic data on a dashboard. The highly-accurate data gathered continuously makes it possible to predict the local weather for the next 24 hours with an excellent degree of precision. It also measures surface temperatures’ evolution to determine the impact in degrees of urban planning or revegetation operations carried out on the ground. This analysis is a significant asset for optimizing buildings’ heating and thermal inertia and evaluating the before and after effects of revegetation operations in public areas.

Tableau de bord des données météorologiques récoltées par la station météo d'Issy-les-Moulineaux

5G allows us to have stability in the available data rates but not only… It provides us with the equivalent of a professional optical fiber to connect our sensors on Bridge’s rooftop! And from mid-2023, the new « 5G NR low-energy » will allow us to remotely turn on and off our weather equipment dynamically and thus optimize its energy consumption.

Nicolas Mouchon, President of Fullrama

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